Our services

Whether by land, air or sea, we ensure a customised service and an adequate response to your needs.

Always with the aim of going further than expected by the clients who entrust us with their cargo.


Air Cargo


We are the first IATA Agent in Portugal.

Nowadays, the supply chain is highly important, since transit times must be shorter. We offer a wide range of options for a competitive and reliable air cargo service.

Our experience in air freight transport has been proven over the years and we act as the first IATA Agent (International Air Transport Association) in Portugal, with the credibility and confidence that the transportation of your goods requires.

Arnaud is certified as air cargo Agent, accredited by INAC, and it has been distinguished over recent years with the TOP TAP Cargo award by TAP Air Portugal.

Giving new worlds to the world

Honouring the heritage of the long Portuguese history of seafaring, we make our sea transport services available throughout the world. We plan and implement all the necessary chain for transporting your cargo, a unique and personalized service, tailored to the needs of our clients.

Whether you need to send a freight container or just a part of it, we can comply with demanding deadlines for delivery through a tightly knit network of sea transportation means.

Sea Cargo


Road Cargo


The world is our road

Arnaud offers a Road Transport Service that is characterized by personalized solutions, speed, and efficiency.
A network built so that clients can have their cargo on destination at the right time.

At Arnaud, we provide an internal Road Service with pick-up and delivery of goods within the Portuguese territory in 24 hours. The same service can be performed on the territories where we have representation, through our own offices or through agents. Our road service works in close connection with the sea and air sectors, thus allowing us an operation on the global scale.

Since the world is our home, our network of agents specialized in road transport allows to connect Portugal to the main European centres of production and consumption.

Our daily connections between Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Lisbon, and Oporto are the reflection of a continuous effort for internationalization.

The articulation between the Road and Air or Sea Services or with the truck/train multi-modal solutions adds value and improves the efficiency of our services, allowing also for cost rationalization and contributing for a better environmental sustainability.

Project Cargo

For special goods transport, a range of logistics solutions

Planning of complex transport for cargo that requires special transport services, outside usual standards, demands creativity, knowledge, and a global and transversal experience, anticipating potential surprises, reacting, and making the necessary decisions, even under extraordinary conditions.

Most Project Cargo jobs imply different means and ways for transportation. That is why Arnaud relies on multidisciplinary teams, with the expertise to respond efficiently to the essential stages of the whole procedure.

The proven operational experience of our company and its presence on different markets and countries allow us to consider globally and safely all the options.

We take care of your cargo and all the delivery procedures, from planning the best route to transportation insurance.

Integrated Logistics


From the warehouse to the final destination with efficiency and speed

Warehousing and Logistics is an integral part of the global solutions offered by Arnaud. Therefore, our cargo terminals work as bonded warehouses, playing a crucial role within the supply-chain.

We provide the means for cargo handling and specialized staff for moving large volumes during activity peaks or for specific projects, allowing our clients to respond quickly and efficiently to all changes and demands of a market that is growingly competitive.

We have large scale bonded warehouses duly equipped to offer ideal storage conditions for various types of goods.

Our experience and international dimension allow us to undertake large-scale operations and offer integrated logistics services, adapting solutions in a quick and customised way to client’s needs.

Logística Integrada

Do armazém ao destino final com eficiência e rapidez

A Armazenagem e Logística é parte integrante das soluções globais oferecidas pela Arnaud. Por isso, Os nossos terminais de carga funcionam como armazéns alfandegados, desempenhando um papel-chave na cadeia de abastecimento.

Disponibilizamos meios de manuseamento de carga e pessoal especializado para a movimentação de grandes volumes durante os picos de atividade ou para projetos específicos, possibilitando aos nossos clientes responder de forma rápida e eficaz a todas as alterações e exigências de um mercado cada vez mais competitivo.

Contamos com armazéns alfandegados de grandes dimensões devidamente equipados para oferecer as condições ideais de acondicionamento para mercadorias de várias tipologias.

A nossa experiência e dimensão internacionais permitem-nos desenvolver operações em grande escala e oferecer serviços integrados de logística, adequando soluções de forma rápida e personalizada face às necessidades dos clientes.


A Arnaud em númerosArnaud in numbers

Número de contentores/TEUS Transportados


de carga aérea


Média de cargas


Número de entregas
e recolhas



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